The Passion Project

The Passion Project
This movie speaks to me in several ways. I can relate to the people in this movie because I am still uncertain about what I truly want in life. A majority of my family are immigrants who came to the United States at a very young age. With no money to pursue an education, they were forced to work multiple jobs to support themselves. I am among the first generation in our family to go to college. Though I am uncertain of what I really want to do in life, I am in the business field. The reason I am in this particular field is because I have a few family members in it. I have been a working student since the age of 16 and want to purse an education rather than work a minimum wage job. Though business interests me in certain aspects, I am not 100% confident if it is really what I want to do if life. I was able to earn a 3 month internship, which was defiantly a knowledgeable and memorable experience. I am the type of guy that loves trying new things. If it interests me, I like to excel in that subject as much as possible. When I first started, I was getting trained for what I would be doing. Once I started the work it became fairly easy. However, doing the same stuff over and over again began to become tedious. I did enjoy it, but I could never see myself doing that for a living and having a stress free life. I take this as a learning experience because I still many opportunities and aspects of the business world to explore. I just hope to find one that I truly love and enjoy because only then is when I will be amazing at what I do. This quote "If a teacher can be motivational, we can feel successful even after failing" is very accurate. I myself have been in situations where I was not able to pass certain criteria or material but did comprehend everything and felt successful even though I had failed at the time being. I got a bigger picture and idea from it that helped shape who I am now. "We will have so many unfulfilled passions, we will have so many adults who are unhappy in their lives" is how I see many adults today. Many people are forced to go into certain careers or take certain paths/roads they may not want to take because it is the right thing to do. This leads them to an unhappy future. If those some adults however were to have a choice and pick what it is that they truly desire, then they would be happier human beings. Many know right off the bat what it is they want with life and for some it may take longer. The key is patience in letting someone finding what he or she is unbelievably talented at along with something that won’t make them miserable. Pursuing your passion can lead to success and happiness.


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