Passion Class

Should a student in the Passion class be asked to critique Education?

Yes I do believe that students in the Passion class should be asked to critique the education system. Some of the students when asked to critique may have opinions on the education system that have a drastic change or play a significant role to improve the education system. The students in this Passion class should also be able to freely ask any questions regarding education that they may have. Getting answers to these questions may possibly help the students express their ideas they may have towards the question that can maybe end up enhancing the education system.

Should a student in a passion class be asked to look into themselves?

Yes students in this Passion class should be asked to look deeply into themselves because everyone comes from a different background and culture. Depending on these backgrounds and cultures, families can have a huge and major impact on their future career without them actually knowing it. It makes sense for the students to take time and actually think and write down why they picked the career they chose. Also, they should think about how much of a factor there families played when picking there major they are pursuing. The answers may surprise them.


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